Hi, my name is Suzy Rizza and I am the new Personal Trainer intern at Bodies by Bender. I participated in a few team sports in high school, but didn't really catch the fitness bug until the end of my college days. I raced in the Danskin triathlon in 2002 and the Grizzly Triathlon in 2004. My next fitness goal is to participate in the Long Bridge Swim in Sandpoint ID in summer '07. My favorite activities are mountain biking, hiking, Nordic or downhill skiing and Pilates.
I'm married and have two sons, Luke, 4 and Colin, 11 months. I really look forward to learning a lot and working with everyone at Bodies by Bender.
I have been working as a trainer for almost five years now. As a runner and past soccer player, I have always had a passion for exercise. After a lot of hard training, I recently finished my first marathon in Coeur d’Alene this past May. I wanted to prove to myself that I can do whatever I want as long as I set my mind to it. I found that running my first marathon was more of a mental challenge than a physical challenge; it takes a lot of positive thinking and motivation.
I get excited when I can help people become aware of their current health problems and then show them ways in which they can improve their overall health. I will be graduating this December with my bachelor’s degree in Applied Health Science out of the Health and Human Performance program at the University of Montana.
My philosophy while working with clients is to make a fitness program fun so that they will continue to exercise throughout their lives. I focus on changing clients' programs after a few weeks so they won’t get bored and also so they will see more results. I know I easily get bored doing the same routine over and over. I know many exercises to work specific muscle groups, so why just do it one way!
I am excited to work full time with Laura and Suzy this next year. We have been brainstorming a lot of new ideas, and it will be fun to see what new programs we can develop.

Becca Hamadanchi
Bodies by Bender © 2006 | 113 West Main / Missoula, Montana 59802 | Phone: 406-728-4395

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