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Yoga is six thousand years old.  It's a great form of natural medicine and provides a great bridge between the head and the heart. The poses are based on a series of movements that incorporate deep breathing.  Sun salutations are the best way to relief stress and decrease depression. Do the following practise 3 to 5 times a session.  Traditionally these poses were done at sunrise but you can do them anytime.  Remember to flow your movements together. 

Questions:  Call me 406 728-4395


Stand in mountain.  Breathe in as you bring your hands above your head. Blow out as you bring your hands down to the floor in front of your feet.  Breathe in as you walk your feet back into plank.


  Blow out as you drop your chest to the floor.


Breathe in as you roll your shoulders back and come into cobra.

Down Dog

Blow out as you drop into down dog.

  Breathe in as you walk your feet up to your hands.   Blow out as you  come up on your finger tips breathe in as you bring your hands above your head and blow out as you return to mountain.  


Bodies by Bender © 2006 | 113 West Main / Missoula, Montana 59802 | Phone: 406-728-4395

Web site design and hosting by Montana Traders